FreightStation platform

FreightStation is a community platform aimed at logistics hubs such as airports and medium to large sized distribution centres.

Main features

The platform combines on-line and real time access to cargo information and physical devices in warehouses and operational areas.

Driver database

To establish a link between the consignee / consignor of the cargo and the persons designated for pick-up and delivery.

Cargo data

Import and/or creation of cargo data for pre-planning of cargo deliveries.

Data sources

Interfaces towards national and international data sources such as EU RA/KC, Eori, Customs etc.

Interfaces to warehouse systems

Interfaces to in-house warehouse management systems such as Cargospot.

Agent-haulier relations

Allows Agents and Hauliers to create custodian relations in order to provide authority to 3rd parties on the shipment of goods to handler end points.


Not only drivers but visitors can register via kiosk. FreightStation can be used for on site monitoring of site visits. Giving total site access control.


All the software is developed multi-lingual and language choice is remembered for each user.

Data storage

All data is stored in line with local GDPR regulations.

(Secure) Cargo interchange

Logs the interaction between an identified driver and warehouse.

Hardware extensions

Supports wide range of hardware components

Want to know more?

Wanting to make your warehouse smarter and safer? Or looking forward to pre-plan your cargo workflow? Don't hesitate to get in touch!